Continuous Delivery Alliance Charter



The name of the alliance is “The Continuous Delivery Alliance”.

We used to call ourself the Joint Open Source Roadmap Alliance or just plain JOSRA.

In December 2016, we changed the name to The Continuous Delivery Alliance for two reasons: First, We found out that the members were primarily interested in networking and collaborating on Continuous Delivery related issues, and Open Source appeared to be of less importance. Second, we changed the membership structure from being a paid subscription to being free, but by invitation only

Purpose and objectives

The purpose of The Continuous Delivery Alliance is to offer a community of dedicated professionals to explore, develop and share approaches, techniques and tools within the broad definition of Continuous Delivery - including DevOps, Automation, Test.

The objective is to form a group of companionship, where the alliance members through mutual trust and a shared wish of collaboration, will strive to seek out common interests and through a focused stake in Open Source technologies will be able to gain a higher pace of progress and maturity within the area of software development, than the individual company would otherwise have been able to establish single-handedly.


To be considered a member of the group, the only requirement is to attend the half-yearly gatherings - hosted by the different members.

Background and Scope

It’s important to understand that The Continuous Delivery Alliance is founded on experienced and serious members - it’s not an introductory class - the members get it and they are already seriously committed to Continuous Delivery and DevOps approach.


Alliance members initiate projects - often jointly - and the outcome and deliverables from these projects are made available to public - most typical through an Open Source license.

Praqma maintains the pool of open source tools that are developed - new features are funded by the various members, based solely on the interest.

The CoDe Alliance tool stack

The alliance’ tool stack naturally includes all tools, technologies and extensions previously developed in the context of the alliance and any other Open Source tool that the alliance members jointly agrees to maintain within the alliance.


At least once every 8 months, Praqma is responsible for organizing a gathering, that shall be open to all members.

The gatherings is taking place at a venue Praqma carefully select, and the expenses are paid by a small fee upon registration of no more than 5.000 DKK to cover the costs of venue, dinner, and the overnight stay of the two-day events.

Each alliance member is encouraged to register two self-appointed (chief and geek) organization representatives to participate. Each alliance member is entitled to send more participants to the gatherings than just the two designated roles.

Gatherings are always including agenda topics general assemblies interest, where the members will gather and discuss status and roadmaps for the next period. Gatherings with themed topics will also be arranged. All members with interest in the particular topic are entitled and encouraged to participate.

The gatherings - general as well as specialized - are decision meetings. Members who wish to influence are encouraged to attend.

Alliance hosted internships

Through engagement and partnerships with a series of academic institutions, Praqma is frequently hosting computer science interns from both Master, Bachelor and AP courses.

We currently have a formal working relation with:

  • CPH Business Academy
  • IT-University in Copenhagen (ITU)
  • Computer Science Department at University of Lund. (Lunds Universitet)
  • Chalmers University in Gothenburg
  • Computer Science Department at Aarhus University
  • Computer Science Department at Oslo University
  • Technical University of Norway in Trondheim (NTU)

Since Praqma was founded in 2007, we have been hosting more than 30 interns and we’re constantly defining and offering challenging internships for students at the educational institutions that we’re collaborating with. We’re always engaging interns in Open Source related assignments and challenges. These internship programs can potentially span hundreds of effective work hours by talented computer scientists and craftsmen in-spe.

As part of the Continuous Delivery alliance, members are encouraged to collaborate with Praqma to define new assignments for these talented interns. Praqma offers to host the internships and offer guidance, mentorship and education in a master/apprentice relation, while alliance members are encouraged to participate in the role as product owner for specific challenges.

Significant contributions to Open Source technologies have been made through these Praqma internships over time. The ClearCase UCM plugin for Jenkins, the Pretested Integration pluging for Jenkins, the GCC compliancy of the Memory Map plugin for Jenkins and the Git Phlow are all examples of products that were initiated as intern projects.

Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Open Source license

All code produced in scope of the alliance is to become Open Source.

Code will be delivered as Open Source and licensed by the appropriate Open Source license, typically the license recommended by the respective Open Source Community.

If no license type is recommended by the respective Open Source community, a university style license such a M.I.T or BSD is chosen.

Copyrights on Open Source code will belong to the maintainer – by default Praqma – unless agreed differently by contributing parties of a particular delivery.